Honey is an exceptional product of nature that is created by mixing pure nectar or natural sugar solution of plants with juices from bee glands. Honey is well known not only as a medicine in the treatment of a wide range of ailments, but also as a food in preparation of various meals, and also as an integral part of herbal cosmetics, and many cosmetic products in the service of beauty.
This liquid with a dense composition, sweet taste and smell, healing properties, and anti-inflammatory action has fascinated ancient people since the Stone Age through the depiction of hives on the walls of caves. The Egyptians revered bees so much that they were a symbol for the king, all the way to Greece, where the famous Greek physician Hippocrates recommended honey as a remedy for diseases of the stomach and intestines, fever or as a cleanser.
It consists of fructose and glucose sugars, which are easier to digest than sucrose from sugar beet or cane, so it is a rich source of energy and easily digestible high-calorie food. Honey is especially good for athletes because it increases endurance and reduces muscle fatigue. It is also a much healthier alternative to white sugar.
Improve and preserve your health and vitality with this wonderful sweet gift of nature!
Unique Ingredients Of Honey
Honey is a mixture of a number of organic acids, amino acids, enzymes, pollen grains, essential oils, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals in small quantities (mostly vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, C, D, E, K, and minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, chromium, and selenium) and other valuable ingredients. Sugars contained in honey are fructose (about 41%), glucose (about 34%), and sucrose (1-2-%). The amounts of the individual substances depend on the type of honey.
There are two types of honey- flower honey and forest honey. Floral originates from the luminous nectar secreted by the glands of honey flowers, so it can be acacia, linden, chestnut, lavender, etc. On the other hand, forest honey contains more minerals and is of a poorer quality than flower honey, and originates from honeydew, a sweet substance that bees collect together with nectar on trees, and there can also be more types like pine, fir, oak, willow, beech, etc.
In young children, before honey is introduced into the diet, it is recommended to wait until the child is 12 months old.
Honey As Medicine
Honey treatment is called apitherapy, and the list of its healing effects is long. The most well-known medicinal property of honey is the relief of flu and cold symptoms, i.e. diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, sore throat and sinuses.
It is great for wounds because it acts as an antiseptic, reduces pain, and also extracts toxins from bites or stings. You can apply pure honey to the swelling as soon as possible, which will prevent the formation of blisters and allow the skin to heal without scarring. Honey compresses help with skin problems such as cracked skin, rashes, itching, and various skin impurities.
Honey is very helpful in various digestive problems, constipation, gastritis, and stomach ulcers, and the application of honey compresses is recommended for all types of inflammation. Honey can also help raise iron levels and lower blood fat levels, as well as cleanse the whole body. It is also known to have a beneficial effect on eye problems, cataracts, conjunctivitis, etc.
Different types of honey often target certain ailments. For instance, sage and linden honey relieve respiratory problems and colds, but linden honey is not recommended for heart patients. Lavender honey is used against bloating and cramps, regulates heart function, helps with stomach ulcers, promotes urination, and also works against tension and migraines.
Dark chestnut honey stimulates circulation, regulates the work of the stomach, intestines, and liver and bile, is recommended for anemia, removes fatigue, and strengthens muscles, as well as the body’s immunity.
In addition to being medicinal in itself, its effect can be doubled by the addition of medicinal herbs, by soaking fragrant and aromatic flowers and leaves, seeds, bark or roots of certain medicinal plants in honey while gently heating the mixture. Honey also enhances the effect of herbal and synthetic drugs, so doctors themselves recommend taking it along with medication.
Honey In The Kitchen
The use of honey in the food industry can be as a sweetener, preservative, or flavor additive in various dishes. So if you have not tried it yet, be sure to mix mustard plant with honey to get a unique mustard flavor, yogurt with honey and apples to get a sweet and refreshing treat, or low-fat fresh cheese to which you can add pears to get a delicious cream.
It is known that in the Middle East honey is used to sweeten puff pastry treats. You can also use it in savory dishes, and add it to various sauces with the main dish, or use it in combination with vinegar to make a salad dressing.
Honey In The Service Of Beauty
Honey as an integral part of many cosmetic products is certainly in the service of beauty. It is great as a face mask that removes skin impurities, nourishes dry and dehydrated skin and helps remove wrinkles. To make an anti-wrinkle gel for the under eye area, dissolve the gelatin in the grain in hot distilled water, in which you mix honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Also, in combination with egg yolks you can prepare an excellent hair pack or in combination with apple cider vinegar a refreshing hair tonic, while in combination with olive oil, you can nourish your hair well.
Honey also works to achieve and maintain an ideal body weight. If you are underweight, honey can be helpful because regular consumption stimulates people’s appetites. On the other hand, a simple and very effective drink, otherwise used for detoxification, helps to reduce body weight. Add one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach. You can also consume this drink after larger or fatty meals.
Interesting Facts
- Well sealed, the honey has an unlimited shelf life.
- Amazing finds of vessels with still edible honey, over 3000 years old, were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
- Crystallization is a natural property of honey that does not affect its quality at all.
- For 1 kg of honey, bees must visit the flower about 100,000 times.
- Medicinal substances of melted honey in a warm liquid enter the bloodstream after 7 minutes, while cold after 20 minutes.
- Above the temperature of 41 degrees Celsius, the healing properties of honey are lost, so when added to a hot drink, care should be taken that it is not too hot.